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Philadelphia - Ekam USA's Mission for Sustainable Health

Ekam’s goal is to reinforce the existing public health system, identify the gaps and bridge them, resulting in Sustainable Well Being of the community, in a cost effective manner, with maximal use of Government resources

Goal: $5,000.00
Collected: $0.00

Chapter Volunteers

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is , What are you doing for others?" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our mission is to empower and benefit economically challenged women and children in India and throughout our local communities.

Charity begins from home and this is a great platform to instill the compassion and boost social skills for our young volunteers, who are going to be key drivers and the back bone for these activities.

This is 2 way street for us to give back to the community and at the same time benefits the volunteers to utilize this channel as a nice outlet to combat the school stress, connect, plan, exhibit leadership skills and team work and can give immense satisfaction end of the day, since they can make a significant difference in someone's life!

Chapter Directors

Sai Guduri
Ekam Philadelphia


Samika Guduri


Manu Medikurthi

Saira Sethi

Mahi Medikurhi

 Shobana Sathish